Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pyrex, the old kind not the new

Check out this blog. I've recently discovered vintage Pyrex and I can't get enough. I don't own any yet, but I am on a major mission to fix that. Should I order some on Etsy? Or should I stake out some estate sales? Either way, my buddy Kim pointed out this blog post and it's amazing. Pretty much sums up my new obsession. I mean come on, who wouldn't want some of this?

photo credit

Doesn't that seem so much more exciting than clear Pyrex or morphed and stained plastic? Yes it does!


  1. DUDE! I saw this too on her blog and I couldn't believe that we ever went to plain old glass. If I find some around here maybe I will pick it up for you ;)

  2. Do it!! I will pay you back for it!
